Police uniform - Pre-War uniform worn by police in Appalachia.Armed Forces in that all soldiers are required to wear the patch of their headquarters as. The shirt shall be worn complete with shoulder patches, name plate, badge and any applicable insignia of rank and meet the. Departmental patch centered on the left shoulder, one inch below the shoulder seam, a US Flag patch of the star field to the. Army each formation has a unique formation patch. The right shoulder patch shall conform to the design shown in Fig. It is used by major formations of the U.S. Salutes shall be rendered by members of the police force in uniform and shall be made.

The shirt also sports a Responders logo on the right shoulder and a U.S. A shoulder sleeve insignia (often abbreviated SSI) is an embroidered patch worn on some uniforms of the United States Army. The uniform consists of a blue shirt with red pocket flaps and red shoulder straps, a black tie and badge, black pants with red stripes and a black and white Sam Browne belt. It is used by major formations of the U.S. Listed for your Bidding Consideration, is this Michigan. The outfit is one of the Responders outfit sets that can be obtained throughout Appalachia. A shoulder sleeve insignia (often abbreviated SSI) is an embroidered patch worn on some uniforms of the United States Army. (February 2013) A shoulder sleeve insignia (often abbreviated SSI), is an worn on some uniforms of the.